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What can we do for you?

Learn more about our capabilities and choose us to manage your online image on Wikipedia.

Wikipedia Article Creation

It’s not just the basis of Google’s Knowledge Panel info boxes. A well-crafted Wikipedia article is your key to existing on the internet and your SEO strategy. Choose an article creation package to work with us to start the internet reputation you deserve.

Wikipedia Page Editing

Already have an article but want to get more information added? Want some negative facts scrubbed?  Our article editing packages is for you. Choose one of our packages and we’ll work with you to add or remove content or rewrite an article to your specifications.

Other Services

Curious if you or your entity are eligible for a Wikipedia article? Already have one but need to ensure that it’s monitored for vandalism or negative updates? Or just want some backlinks from Wikipedia? We’ve got you covered.

NOTE: Given the necessity for discretion in our services, if your entity’s budget falls under disclosure requirements under the GAO, FEC, or otherwise, please contact us to discuss solutions to sensitivities around line-item spending.

Why work with us?

Our US-based team provides confidential and trustworthy professional Wikipedia services. We’ll make stealth edits to Wikipedia to make its content reflects the public image you want. Choose us to manage your Wikipedia reputation management needs and put your best foot forward on the internet.

US-based Team

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Unlike most Wikipedia editing services, our team is based in the United States as is our company. If you choose us, you can count on us to professionally upgrade your online reputation just as we’ve done for numerous previous clients.

Confidentiality assured

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We take confidentiality seriously and know that hiring a reputation manager to edit Wikipedia isn’t always a good look. That’s why we know the tricks to covering our tracks on Wikipedia. You can rest assured we’ll make every effort to ensure our relationship is never publicly disclosed.


We Work Fast

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Other Wikipedia editing services might tell you a service will take weeks or months. Time that you don’t have when your reputation is at risk, or worse, being damaged! Our agile team works faster to get the adjustments you need made as quickly as possible.

Wikipedia Article Creation Packages

At Wiki Verification, we create Wikipedia pages that stick.  That’s why our first step is a nonrefundable eligibility assessment to ensure that the article we’re creating has a good chance of remaining on the site.  Then we’ll craft a page that’s unlikely to be removed or significantly modified by the Wikipedia community. Once we create your page, you’ll benefit from the credibility that an article provides and own valuable, highly-visible real estate in Google’s Knowledge Graph.

    Wikipedia Article Editing Packages

    If you already have a Wikipedia article but it doesn’t portray the image you want, then our Wikipedia editing service is perfect for you. We’ll work with you to scope out the desired changes. Then, we’ll edit the article to make the additions we’ve agreed on or strategic deletions to craft the online image you want.

      Other Services